123 research outputs found

    Making Linked Open Data Writable with Provenance Semirings

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    Linked Open Data cloud (LOD) is essentially read-only, re- straining the possibility of collaborative knowledge construction. To sup- port collaboration, we need to make the LOD writable. In this paper, we propose a vision for a writable linked data where each LOD participant can define updatable materialized views from data hosted by other par- ticipants. Consequently, building a writable LOD can be reduced to the problem of SPARQL self-maintenance of Select-Union recursive mate- rialized views. We propose TM-Graph, an RDF-Graph annotated with elements of a specialized provenance semiring to maintain consistency of these views and we analyze complexity in space and traffic

    Influencers and brands successful collaborations: A mutual reinforcement to promote products and services on social media

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    Brands and influencers are increasingly collaborating in the development of marketing campaigns. This work analyses to what extent the collaboration of influencers with renowned brands affects the effectiveness of the message and the influencer’s own reputation. The results of an experiment with more than four hundred Spanish consumers indicated that renowned brand-influencer collaborations, in comparison to non-renowned brand-influencer collaborations, enhanced consumers’ attitude towards the message, their purchase intentions and the perceived credibility of the influencer. Furthermore, positive attitude towards the message and intention to search for information are greater for services offered by renowned brands than for their products. This study contributes by bridging a gap in the literature and raises interesting implications for brand managers and their decisions to collaborate with influencers on social media

    An Explanatory Model of the Relationships between Physical Activity, Social Support and Screen Time among Adolescents

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    Effective physical activity studies are necessary to understand how factors involved in physical activity mediate behaviour. Therefore, more reliable explanatory models can be generated in order to design effective actions to promote physical activity. The study had two aims: (1) to develop an explanatory model to identify and establish the relationships between physical activity, social support and screen time among adolescents; and (2) to contrast the explanatory structural model by means of a multi-group analysis according to sex. The study design was cross-sectional with descriptive and correlational analysis. The research was carried out with a representative sample of adolescents from the province of Soria (mean age 14.06 +/- 1.27 years). The instruments used were: Four by One-Day Physical Activity Questionnaire, Parent Support Scale and Peer Support Scale. The results show that social support had a negative relationship with screen time (r = -0.178; p <= 0.001); males had a positive relationship between physical activity and screen time (r = 0.118; p <= 0.05); and peer support had more influence on social support than parental support. In conclusion, the proposed model was effective in triangulating the relationships between physical activity, social support and screen time in a novel way, while allowing us to discriminate these results according to participants' sex

    Educational Warehouse: Modular, Private and Secure Cloudable Architecture System for Educational Data Storage, Analysis and Access

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    [Abstract] Data in the educational context are becoming increasingly important in decision-making and teaching-learning processes. Similar to the industrial context, educational institutions are adopting data-processing technologies at all levels. To achieve representative results, the processes of extraction, transformation and uploading of educational data should be ubiquitous because, without useful data, either internal or external, it is difficult to perform a proper analysis and to obtain unbiased educational results. It should be noted that the source and type of data are heterogeneous and that the analytical processes can be so diverse that it opens up a practical problem of management and access to the data generated. At the same time, ensuring the privacy, identity, confidentiality and security of students and their data is a “sine qua non” condition for complying with the legal issues involved while achieving the required ethical premises. This work proposes a modular and scalable data system architecture that solves the complexity of data management and access. On the one hand, it allows educational institutions to collect any data generated in both the teaching-learning and management processes. On the other hand, it will enable external access to this data under appropriate privacy and security conditions.Generalitat de Catalunya; 2017 SGR 93

    The teacher evaluation in Chile: the attitude of teachers towars instruments that evaluate teaching professional performance

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    Con el propósito de avanzar en la superación de los problemas de calidad y equidad de la educación y dar inicio a la instalación de la cultura de la evaluación, desde el año 2003 se aplica en Chile la evaluación del desempeño profesional docente. Precisamente, el objetivo del presente estudio es identificar los principales hitos y polémicas que marcan su desarrollo, explorar la proporción de docentes que presentan actitudes positivas, neutras y negativas hacia los instrumentos que emplea el Ministerio de Educación para evaluarlos y determinar su asociación con un conjunto de factores socioculturales. Todos los datos se recolectaron mediante un cuestionario que se aplicó a dos muestras estratificadas por dependencia administrativa del colegio. La primera medición se realizó el año 2008 y corresponde a 812 profesores que se desempeñan en 80 colegios emplazados en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile y la segunda a fines del año 2015 en que se entrevistó a 827 docentes. Los resultados indican que proporciones del 26,9% y 30,4% de los docentes, para los años 2008 y 2015, respectivamente, mantienen actitudes negativas hacia los instrumentos que se emplean para evaluarlos y que tal actitud presenta relaciones estadísticamente significativas con un conjunto de factores socioculturales.With the purpose of advancing in overcoming the problems of quality and equity in education and starting the installation of the culture of evaluation, since 2003 the evaluation of teaching professional performance has been applied in Chile. The objective of this study is to identify the main milestones and controversies that mark its development, explore the proportion of teachers who have positive, neutral and negative attitudes towards the instruments used by the Ministry of Education to evaluate them and determine their association with a set of factors. All data were collected through a questionnaire that was applied to two samples stratified by administrative dependence of the school. The first measurement was carried out in 2008 and corresponds to 812 professors who work in 80 schools located in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and the second at the end of 2015 in which 827 teachers were interviewed. The results indicate that proportions of 26.9% and 30.4% of teachers, for the years 2008 and 2015, respectively, maintain negative attitudes towards the instruments used to evaluate them and that this attitude presents statistically significant relationships with a set of sociocultural factors

    Emotividad positiva, el beneficio esperado de hacer turismo /

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    En la práctica turística está implícita la búsqueda de emotividad positiva, hay en ella una expectativa de felicidad, anticipa un estado de bienestar físico, mental que se manifiesta de manera previa a la realización del viaje. La sola idea del viaje y el pensamiento que lo anticipa es capaz de producir una corriente de emociones positivas y las sensaciones que la acompañan.Presentar una síntesis de hallazgos en el estudio de la felicidad para aplicarlos a la práctica turística es el objetivo de este trabajo. La estrategia para alcanzarlo supone atender a dos aspectos; identificar qué factores contribuyen a definirla, y cuáles son las formas que asume.La metodología se sustenta en la revisión bibliográfica que aportan los estudios de la Psicología Positiva acerca de la felicidad. La elección de los autores supone el desafío de identificar aportes claves: se integra por referentes en el estudio de la felicidad, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2016), Martin Seligman (2012), Sonja Lyubomirski (2008), Daniel Khaneman (2012), Daniel Gilbert (2017) y Daniel Goleman (2019).Entre las principales conclusiones podemos señalar que se espera que esta investigación a pesar del carácter exploratorio, contribuya a mejorar la comprensión de las emociones como un componente central de la experiencia humana, y como beneficio esperado de la práctica turística. Los resultados que se alcanzan, aunque preliminares, sirvan para integrar un marco teórico de la disciplina y para incorporarla al diseño de productos que puedan agregar valor emocional a la visita.El valor de esta investigación reside en la potencialidad que supone incorporar a la felicidad como el beneficio esperado de la motivación turística. La perspectiva que ofrece el trabajo es novedosa, propone el diálogo necesario, impostergable entre la psicología positiva y el turismo que hace de esas emociones su beneficio

    Trust, Accountability, and Autonomy in Knowledge Graph-based AI for Self-determination

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    Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have emerged as fundamental platforms for powering intelligent decision-making and a wide range of Artificial Intelligence (AI) services across major corporations such as Google, Walmart, and AirBnb. KGs complement Machine Learning (ML) algorithms by providing data context and semantics, thereby enabling further inference and question-answering capabilities. The integration of KGs with neuronal learning (e.g., Large Language Models (LLMs)) is currently a topic of active research, commonly named neuro-symbolic AI. Despite the numerous benefits that can be accomplished with KG-based AI, its growing ubiquity within online services may result in the loss of self-determination for citizens as a fundamental societal issue. The more we rely on these technologies, which are often centralised, the less citizens will be able to determine their own destinies. To counter this threat, AI regulation, such as the European Union (EU) AI Act, is being proposed in certain regions. The regulation sets what technologists need to do, leading to questions concerning: How can the output of AI systems be trusted? What is needed to ensure that the data fuelling and the inner workings of these artefacts are transparent? How can AI be made accountable for its decision-making? This paper conceptualises the foundational topics and research pillars to support KG-based AI for self-determination. Drawing upon this conceptual framework, challenges and opportunities for citizen self-determination are illustrated and analysed in a real-world scenario. As a result, we propose a research agenda aimed at accomplishing the recommended objectives

    Dataset search: a survey

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    Generating value from data requires the ability to find, access and make sense of datasets. There are many efforts underway to encourage data sharing and reuse, from scientific publishers asking authors to submit data alongside manuscripts to data marketplaces, open data portals and data communities. Google recently beta released a search service for datasets, which allows users to discover data stored in various online repositories via keyword queries. These developments foreshadow an emerging research field around dataset search or retrieval that broadly encompasses frameworks, methods and tools that help match a user data need against a collection of datasets. Here, we survey the state of the art of research and commercial systems in dataset retrieval. We identify what makes dataset search a research field in its own right, with unique challenges and methods and highlight open problems. We look at approaches and implementations from related areas dataset search is drawing upon, including information retrieval, databases, entity-centric and tabular search in order to identify possible paths to resolve these open problems as well as immediate next steps that will take the field forward.Comment: 20 pages, 153 reference

    Physical Activity, Energy Expenditure, Screen Time and Social Support in Spanish Adolescents—Towards an Explanatory Model about Health Risk Factors

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    Youth obesity has been a pandemic for decades. One of its causes is a low level of physical activity. It is necessary to know the specific situation of adolescents and the factors that influence it in order to be able to act accordingly. The first aim of the current study is to create an explanatory model to establish the relationships between light physical activity time, light physical activity energy expenditure, screen time and social support. The second aim is to propose a theoretical model specifying the relationships between moderate-vigorous physical activity time, moderate-vigorous physical activity energy expenditure, screen time and social support. The study design was non-experimental (ex post facto), descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional. A total of 694 adolescents from the region of Soria (12-17 years) participated in the study. The instruments administered were the Four by One-Day Physical Activity Questionnaire, Parent Support Scale and Peer Support Scale. Two structural equation models were developed to analyse the relationships between the variables that comprised the explanatory models. The results show that social support had a negative influence on screen time in the proposed model in relation to light physical activity (r = -0.210; p <= 0.001) and in the proposed one regarding moderate-vigorous physical activity (r = -0.173; p <= 0.05). Social support was negatively related to light physical activity time (r = -0.167; p <= 0.05). Family support had a greater influence than did peer support. In conclusion, the models for light and moderate-vigorous physical activity are useful to describe the relationships between time, energy expenditure, screen time and social support

    University as Change Manager of Attitudes towards Environment (The Importance of Environmental Education)

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    In The authors wish to record they are thanks to Benedetta Siboni of University of Bologna.The university is an essential participant in education, a key place where societal change processes are developed. So, it must be a place to bring up current challenges and social requirements. That is the reason why it holds the responsibility to assure the creation of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in the students to achieve an effective solution to environmental issues. The objective of this research was the assessment of the attitudes, knowledge, and pro-environmental behavior in university students from different faculties, studies, and degrees, as well as their influence in this group. The results show that most of the students have previous concepts of environment, and they consider that a good environmental education is necessary to solve the environmental issues that they have around. This proves that key factors in attitudes become essential elements for changing them. The differences made by gender and studies in several fields in attitudes (cognitive and emotional levels) are also confirmed
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